The Weblog
The Heritage Farm Locally Grown Market site is now open.
Please visit “The Market” section to review all available products and to build your order for the upcoming week. We have a lot of available products and hope you enjoy using the online store!!
Remember that you have to create an account in the “Your Account” page before you can order.
If you have any questions please contact us at or 770-377-5380.
View the Complete Weblog
We need your help!
Did you know that last week alone there were 4 meat recalls in the news for e-coli and salmonella? One of them was even from the Perdue organics chicken!!! Unfortunately we are seeing more and more of our market share drift back to these industrial producers as the general public is swayed by the misleading advertising and labeling of the industrial food manufacturers. That, combined with the fact that shoppers believe that anything with organic on it is good and safe makes the closing of more and more small farms seem like a given. The truth is that the industrial food chain is sick, full of lies and diseases and you are at risk every time you buy their meats. They may show you sunshine and grass on their slick marketing and labels but I’ll give you a 100.00 bill if you can find just ONE that will actually let you come see that pretty organic farm!!! Every week we come closer and closer to going in the red and having to shut our doors because of this consumer drift. We need your help! More than that we need your business to keep ours open. We don’t have Wall Street and the federal government behind us to keep us propped up while we send out false and misleading advertisements to bring you to the store. We can’t spend millions to make you believe were something were not so you will bring your dollars to our doorstep. We can’t sell it below cost and count on the USDA to prop us up financially. We can’t make ourselves trendy and the newest rave on the food circuit. All we can do is continue to grow and supply our products with the highest standards and provide good, clean and healthy foods for the consumers that want them. Please vote with your dollars and help us keep our doors open!
Place your orders here>>> The Store
The Hutchins Family
Heritage Farm