WELCOME! Please go to the “About” tab for ordering instructions.
Our next delivery is 12/17/2022 via farm truck and meet up locations.
Place your advance orders now and we will e-mail you to confirm your order prior to delivery.
This page is where you can place your orders. If you're logged in to your account *and* the market is open, you will see quantity box an "Add to Cart" icon next to each item. If you just want one, click on the icon to add it to your cart. If you want more, you can either change the quantity and then click, or click the number of times you want.
Once you've finished shopping, click the checkout link in your shopping cart (located at the upper left side of this page, below this help area).
Your Last Ten Orders
You can find your entire order history in the "Your Account" section.
Click on an order to see the items you ordered shown here.
Meats - Grass Fed/Finished and Pasture Raised
This market is using the Locally Grown online farmers market system. More information about how your market or farm can also use this system can be found at locallygrown.net/faq. Legal information about using this website can be found at locallygrown.net/legal.